Annapurna Company is Divine Angelic Company for Star Delight and Glory, Beauty and Bliss, Divine Love Company, Divine Vegetarian Food Fruits Delights Anna Yoga Hiking and Yoga Gear in Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe, America, India and Asia
Afina Arisofia is the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Bliss, Goddess of Happiness and Goddess of the Universe, Goddess of Atlantis, Lemuria and Hyperborea, Shambala, Shangri-La and Vaikhuntha, Valhalla and Asgard, Goddess of Divine Star Yoga and Elohim Kriya Yoga, Divine Star Love and Divine Star Reality, Iliena Kriya Yoga and Elohim Parvati Yogananda Energy Yoga, Premananda Goddess of Love, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga, Yin and Yang, Harmony, Love and Grace
Elohim Iliena Adonai Om Ram Elohim, Iliena Lakshmi Adonai Om Ram Elohim, Elohim Lakshmi Adonai Om Ram Elohim
Chandra Bramachandra
Elohim Parvati Adonai Om Ram Elohim, Elohim Freyja Adonai Om Ram Elohim
Elohim Idunna Adonai Om Ram Elohim
Афина Арисофия е Богиня на Любовта и Красотата и Силата, Йога на Божествената Звезда и Елохим Крия Йога, Тантра, Медитация и Илиена Крия Йога и Елохим Парвати Йогананда Енергийна Йога
Афина Арисофия е Велика Богиня на Любовта и Насладата, Великолепието и Щастието, Красотата, Йога и Тантра! Велика Богиня Аватарка от Рая на Атлантида! Илиена Лакшми от Рая на Вайкхунта! Грацията на Света и Богиня на Красотата, Любовта и Благодатта! Елохим Илиена Адонай Ом Рам Елохим! Илиена Елохим Адонай Ом Рам Елохим! Илиена Лакшми Ом Рам Елохим! Елохим Лакшми Ом Рам Елохим! Илиена Адонай Лакшми Ом Рам Елохим! Елохим Адонай Лакшми Ом Рам Елохим!
Елохим Илиена Адонай Ом Рам Елохим
Елохим Лакшми Адонай Ом Рам Елохим
Елохим Парвати Адонай Ом Рам Елохим
Елохим Афина Адонай Ом Рам Елохим
Елохим Фрейя Адонай Ом Рам Елохим
Divine Star Society and Order of Angel
Traditionalist conservatism, also referred to as classical conservatism, is a political and social philosophy emphasizing the need for the principles of a transcendent moral order, manifested through certain natural laws to which society ought to conform in a prudent manner. Traditionalist conservatism is based on the political philosophies of Aristotle. St. Thomas Aquinas, Joseph De Maistre, Nikolai Berdiaev and Edmund Burke. We emphasize the bonds of social order and the defense of ancestral institutions over what it is excessive individualism.
We place a strong emphasis on the notions of custom, convention, and tradition.Theoretical reason should be derided and is against practical reason. The state is a communal enterprise with spiritual and organic qualities. We believe that any change is not the result of intentional reasoned thought but flows naturally out of the traditions of the community. Leadership, authority and hierarchy are natural products.